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Oral Surgery Specialist

Tyson's Dental Design Center

Dentists & Periodontists located in Vienna, VA

Sometimes, your smile needs more than just good at-home care. If you have a dental condition that requires oral surgery, Tyson’s Dental Design Center in Vienna, Virginia, can help. Their dental experts provide safe and effective oral surgery that can get your smile healthy and beautiful again. Get started today by calling their office or booking a consultation online.

Oral Surgery Q & A

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is any surgical procedure that’s performed in your oral cavity. This could include treatments for your teeth, gums, or the soft tissues of your mouth.

Oral surgery is typically less involved than traditional surgery. For many people, the word “surgery” evokes images of lengthy hospital stays, general anesthesia, and a significant amount of time in recovery, but oral surgery is usually a bit different. 

Many of the oral surgeries at Tyson’s Dental Design Center are outpatient procedures that are performed under local anesthesia at the practice’s state-of-the-art offices. In most cases, you go home the same day as your oral surgery and have a relatively quick and easy recovery period.

What are some different types of oral surgery?

Some examples of oral surgery include:

Simple extraction

A simple extraction removes a tooth from your smile that’s damaging to your overall oral health and can’t otherwise be rehabilitated.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction can be fairly simple or slightly more involved, depending on whether your wisdom teeth are impacted. To remove impacted wisdom teeth, your oral surgeon makes a small incision in your gum, breaks up your tooth into smaller pieces, and extracts it from its socket.

Dental implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that replace missing teeth in your smile. To install your dental implant, your oral surgeon makes a small incision in your gum, drills a tiny hole in your jawbone, and inserts the implant into the hole. As you heal from your placement surgery, your implant fuses with your bone tissue in a process called osseointegration.

What typically happens during oral surgery?

The particulars of oral surgery are largely dependent on what procedure you’re undergoing, but there are a few elements that many oral surgeries have in common.

Your oral surgery begins with a consultation at Tyson’s Dental Design Center. The team works with you to devise a treatment plan that’s best suited to your particular needs and preferences. Your dentist takes X-rays to aid in your diagnosis and the planning of your treatment, and you’ll also discuss your anesthesia options. 

Depending on your particular surgery, you might not be able to drive immediately afterward. The team at Tyson’s Dental Design Center recommends bringing a friend or relative with you or making arrangements to have someone pick you up after your treatment.

To learn more about how the team can improve your smile with safe and effective oral surgery, schedule a visit to Tyson’s Dental Design Center today by calling the office or booking an appointment online.